
かっこいいけど,やっぱり怖いっす.顔がマジっす.black leopard.

生後6ヶ月のblack leopard.大きい.


Wikipedia: Black panther によると,どうやらビクトリア州メルボルンがある州)の田舎にもblack pantherがいるらしい.そして,猫とか犬とか家畜とか,食べられてしまっているらしい.折角近くにいるんだから,見てみたい気もするけど.

Reports of black panthers in Australia

At the end of World War 2, Australian soldiers reportedly brought back black panthers as 'mascots'. Within weeks of arriving in Australia, an unreported number of panthers escaped into the bush. Today, black panther sightings are frequently recorded in rural Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia. It is theorised that the panthers mated with feral cats, which are known to grow to large sizes in Australia. The Australian 'phantom panthers' are said to be responsible for the disappearances and deaths of numerous cats, dogs and livestock.

Source: 08 Sep 1996 - Ol Jogi Ranch, Laikipia Plateau, Kenya
関連記事: ネコ科動物の生態比較表 ー ライオン,トラ,チータ, ヒョウ,ジャガー