

原文: America's Nerdiest Spend The Weekend Outside, Bring Their Laptop

"Social Web Foo Camp," a celebration of geekiness がカリフォルニア,Sebastopol, オライリー本社にて今週末決行されます.

150人のオタクたちが会社の庭でキャンプし,"social networking, the social graph, and technologies for data portability."のようなことについてディスカスする様子が想像できます.出席者はNew York Tech Meetupのヘッド Nate Westheimer, フェースブックのスターDave Morin, AOL's Edwin Aoki, そしてReadWriteWeb's Marshall Kirkpatrick.

Social Web FooCamp 2009

We've invited about 150 Friends Of O'Reilly (aka Foo), people who're doing interesting works around social networking, the social graph, and technologies for data portability. We'll have some planned activities, but much of the agenda will be determined by you. We'll provide space, electricity, a wireless network, and a wiki. You bring your ideas, enthusiasms, and projects. We all get to know each other better, and hopefully come up with some cool ideas about how to change the world.